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S&P 500 Volatile But Closes January up 3%
The S&P500 was volatile in late December and the first half of January but the index has stabilized and is set to close the month with a solid 3% gain. The green January signals that the S&P500 has a high probability of more gains in 2025.

2024 Annual Review and 2025 Outlook
The S&P 500 gained 23% in 2024 and now investors want to know what to expect in 2025.

If You’re a Parent You need to Know about UTMA Accounts
Are you a parent of young children? If yes – you need to know about UTMA accounts. This is a brokerage account for children under the age of 21 that offers many financial and tax benefits.

S&P 500 up 5.7% in November – Best Month of Year
The S&P 500 surged in November logging its best month of the year with a 5.7% gain. Looking forward two signals tell me we should expect a strong December and close to the year.

S&P 500 Advances After US Election
The S&P 500 has been rallying after the election as investors look past a potential risk event. Looking forward the stage is set for more gains in November.

S&P 500 Entering Bullish Time of Year
The S&P 500 had its worst day of the month. Time to panic? I say no. This looks like short-term profit taking ahead of the US presidential election. Looking forward i expect SP500 to stabilize and resume trend higher in November and December.

The S&P 500 Bull Market is Still Young
Looking for a reason to be optimistic on the #SP500? We’re two years into a bull market and according to @CarsonResearch since 1950 the average bull market lasts 5.5 years.

S&P 500 Usually Choppy in October
While the S&P 500 has a history of weakness in October, the 6-month period from November through April is historically the strongest six months of the year.

How Does the S&P 500 Perform After Fed Rate Cut?
History shows that when the Fed cuts the key interest rate when the S&P 500 is within 2% of the all-time high, stocks are very strong for the next 12 months.

S&P 500 up 2.3% in August
The S&P 500 was volatile in august but still managed to gain 2.3% for the month. Looking forward September has a history of weakness and that could create some great opportunities to buy low.